We started Acouplescalling all the way back in 2018. Our love for all things travel is where this began. We were sat at home one night thinking isn’t it cool how people document their travels using Instagram and a personal blog?
After admiring others for so long we had a light bulb moment. Well if we’re going travelling why don’t we document our travels too? The seed in our minds was planted now all we had to do was think of what to call ourselves!
Acouplescalling is one of the first names we thought of and we thought it summed us up perfectly. We are a couple who think our calling in life is to travel the world. Hence the name!
Shortly after we made our first website. The website was very basic and in all honesty, looked pretty terrible but we still loved it. From this point, it became a favourite hobby of ours.
Why Did We Start this Blog?

Aside from wanting to document our own travels, we always wanted to inspire others to get out there and explore the world. When we first started travelling, there were so many questions that we just didn’t have the answers to when looking online.
Flash forward a few years and we are over the moon to have a website that we can share with others. On top of this, we have a community of amazing followers that we enjoy engaging with.
We want to share all that we’ve learned over the years with you all, and some of our top travel tips along the way. This is still the start for us but we are loving every minute of the adventure and are always working our hardest to give people the best content we can!
If you want to learn more, then follow along for the ride, we’ve got plenty of adventures on the way.
The Road So Far!

I’m going to be brutally honest here, we had absolutely no idea what we were doing back in 2018 (or 2019, or 2020…). Sometimes, I don’t think we even know what we’re doing now, but it’s all part of the process haha!
During our 8-month trip through Asia, we worked on this website as much as possible. Once we got back, we got full-time jobs, and very shortly afterwards, the pandemic hit.
During the pandemic especially, we were guilty of just ignoring the blog. Naturally, our traffic dropped (both because of Covid and because we didn’t post for ages). Then, it was kind of like a freefall.
Where We’re at Now with Acouplescalling

However, since the start of 2022, we’ve been dedicated to updating our old content and writing new posts. Naturally, we saw an uptick in Google Traffic, which motivated us to keep going.
Now, we make a little bit of money every month (nowhere near enough to be a monthly income). However, it’s good to have some extra cash, that we can put towards our travels. That way, we can save more money from our full-time jobs, and the circle continues…
Our bucket list gets longer every single day, especially as we’re constantly connecting with other travel bloggers. We always have a trip or two planned, and we’ve got some exciting adventures on the cards.
Our Goals for Acouplescalling

The main goal for us has always been flexibility. The chance to have more time to ourselves and to travel, which is our main passion. Not to mention, it’s when we feel happiest!
Ideally, we’d like to spend more time travelling. However, as everyone with a full-time job and a travel blog knows, a lot of our spare time is taken up.
Being freelance travel writers has given us so much more flexibility than what we had at our old jobs. However, eventually, we’d like to spend less time on our computers, and more time doing what we love.
Our goal is to use this platform to inspire others to travel, while also creating a lifestyle that we are passionate about.
One day, we hope this will include converting a van and hitting the road. For now, we’re just continuing to work our little buts off, so stay with us for the ride!
Who Writes for Acouplescalling?

Currently, the only people who write for this blog are us (Jack and Abbie). We founded it, and have been the only ones who write the content and edit the photographs ever since. Along with, all the other mundane tasks of course!
We are both freelance travel writers, so we work on our blog every free minute we get. So here’s a little bit about us:
Abbie – I’m a huge foodie, with a love for anything sweet. Wildlife watching is my passion, and I love being out in nature, especially hiking. I’m also a huge movie buff and I love to game!
Jack – I’m an avid photographer of both wildlife and landscapes and love football (I’m a Preston North End FC season ticket holder). Another fond gamer, I also love a good film night, especially if it’s something scary.
If you want to get to know us a bit better, read our Author profiles!
How did we meet?

We met back in 2015 (so a looong time ago). Both of us were on the same university course, and we actually met because Jack hit me with a tennis ball – the irony haha!
After growing up in a relatively small town only 2 miles away from each other it was surprising that we only met for the first time in university. Especially, as we had mutual friends.
We hit it off in the first few days and soon realised we both shared one big interest – travel. We wanted to explore the world together and experience everything it has to offer.
Going on a trip to Barcelona was just the start of our travelling together. This small trip gave us an even bigger urge to travel, which is why we saved all of our money throughout university.
This led to our 8-month trip through Asia, and now, we’ve been to 16 countries together (with plenty more on the way).
How Can Acouplescalling Help You?

If you’re a keen traveller who wants to explore on a budget, then this is the place for you! Our goal is to inspire others and to provide easy-to-follow travel guides that will help you plan your trips.
Travel doesn’t have to be difficult (or massively expensive). We managed to save £12,000 during university, and that lasted both of us for 8 months. That’s an average of £750 a month per person, with the majority of months being lower as this included our flights.
We try to make all of our trips as affordable as possible, but we don’t let ourselves miss out on anything. Not only that, but we love visiting more off-the-beaten-track destinations, with the islands of Borneo and Sumatra being two of our favourites!
If you’re looking for a new adventure then let’s explore together! Check out our blog for some top travel tips, and let us know where you’re heading next.